Poised – an adjective.  One dictionary defines poised as:  a person who is composed, dignified and self-assured, to be confident.  It also means to be in balance; to hover or teeter.  What does “poised” have to do with the the Kingdom of G-d?  If we are not confident and self-assured as to our idenity as daughters of the Most High God how can we advance G-d’s kingdom on earth.  If we are living chaotic stressful lives, pulled in a hundred directions then we are out of balance and teetering on the brink of disaster.

Before the Hebrews could enter into the long awaited Promised Land, they had to go through an intense stripping away of  idols of the heart and a worldly mindset (Egypt).  Though they had been slaves for hundreds of years, they had to learn how to walk and live as sons and daughters of the one true G-D.  Though G-D was with them and had given them the land, they lacked confidence and rebelled in their hearts against Him.  They teetered on the brink of destruction… until they embraced their new idenity and learn to lean on G-D and not their own understanding. It is only when we surrender our hearts to G-D daily, stepping out in obedience that we are truly living a balanced life.  A balanced life means you are poised to enter into all that G-d has promised in His word.  Are you poised to enter?